Magic pill [ CONFIDENCE ]

Grab your cup of tea or coffee , today's blog is all about confidence. What it is ? How can we learn to get more of it ? Because i feel like confidence is not something we're born with, i think it's a skill that anyone can learn .


There are certain areas in your life i am sure that you feel a little bit more confident in and other areas maybe not so much . Confidence is when we have belief in our abilities to accomplish whatever it is , whatever task it is we're setting out to do and when we have that mindset we're willing to take more risks to achieve our personal or maybe our professional both . Having self confidence is very empowering because when we believe in our abilities we tend to be more successful and that success creates a positive feedback so confidence breathes more confidence . How do we learn to get more of it ? 
There's that inner critic in us that says we can't and i read somewhere once that the most powerful way to build confidence is to build competence , being really good at something and for being really good in something you need to put in the time it means repetition of doing and mastering it over and over and over again and being really stubbornly persistent to it . like even if we make mistakes , even when things seem difficult just keep doing it .
your confidence develops each week , with each mistake , with each try and you need to click that button in your mind to do it over and over and over again . 
The initial goals that we're setting for ourselves they should not be so complicated because if it's so difficult that we're not able to achieve it , that's a major blow to our confidence in a negative way . Break down your goals into smaller and achievable steps , slow and steady !  
Never set the unrealistic goals , break down your steps into more achievable goals .
Keep adding things , give it time . That way the task is on the cusp of being difficult enough that it poses a challenge but it's not too difficult again that you can't overcome it and then when you do overcome each step , each phase one by one that's what builds our confidence . 


Lots of love  



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