Dry Body Brush 🌸

Dry Body Brush 💗
It gently exfoliates, unclog pores and allows your skin to breathe. It increases circulation at the surface of the skin which speeds up healing and regeneration of new skin. And it also helps reduce the appearance of cellulite by stimulating the skin to release toxins and encourages stronger cell structures.
How to dry body brush -
1.) Remove your clothing and take a dry brush.
2.) Start with the soles of your feet, use swift upward strokes and brush from the feet, up the legs, working towards your heart.
3.) Once you've covered your lower body move to your hands and work up your arms towards your heart.
4.) Next, brush your back
5.) Last work on your abdomen (in a clockwise direction) , chest and neck.
6.) Brush for about 5-6 minutes.
7.) Take a shower
8.) Pat your skin with a dry towel.
9.) Moisturize! 💫
🌸 - It's best to dry brush first thing in the morning before you shower. Always shower after you dry brush to wash off the dead skin.
🌸 - Use a natural bristled brush or loofah, avoid synthetic and nylon brushes as they can damage your skin.
🌸 - It's normal for your skin to turn pink or red be cautious if irritation occurs.
You can order Dry body brush at @amazon
Lots of love ❤
I wish you love, peace today. 💗
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