Tranquility Meditation 🌹

Tranquility Meditation 🌹
1. Close your eyes and begin breathing gently and slowly. Focus on releasing any tension in your muscles, and feel your whole body relax.
2. Say to yourself, either loud or silently, '' I now release all tension and stress that I have been holding in my body and mind. I let go of all anger, worry and frustration. I release myself from negativity, and allow peace to reign within me.
3. Now take a deep breath and as you breathe out, imagine all that you just released blowing right out through your mouth. As it leaves your body and aura with the exhale, picture a brilliant white light dissolving the negativity and tension leaving you and your surroundings purified, clear and tranquil. Continue to breathe gently as long as you wish, enjoying the sensation of peace and quiet.
Lots of love ❤
I wish you a beautiful day ❤️


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